ISM: 02.–05.02.2025 #ISMCOLOGNE

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What's new from Dolfin

Discover the new Dolfin milk chocolate tablet bar, where the sweetness of milk chocolate meets the warm and exotic notes of caramelised coconut. This gourmet marriage transports you to tropics, and with each mouthful you're swept away to paradise. 

Celebrate the festive season in style with the new Dolfin Christmas baubles, containing an irresistible selection of 10 exquisite chocolates. In festive shades of blue, these delicious boxes make the perfect gift or an indulgent treat for yourself. What better way to add a touch of magic to your holiday season celebrations. 

Discover our new collection of LOVE chocolate mini tablet bars, designed to celebrate Love in all its forms. Each bars, adorned with delicate little hearts, is in itself a gourmet statement : milk chocolate with caramel or crunchy nougatine, dark chocolate with pieces of sablé biscuit or a hint of Guérande sea salt. A sweet message of love to share and enjoy, for unforgettable tender moments. 

Zum Pressefach von Dolfin SA

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