ISM: 02.–05.02.2025 #ISMCOLOGNE

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Presseinformation der Aussteller

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Lestello catalogue of healthy food

Lestello Sp. z o.o. was founded in 1992. Since its foundation the Company has been operating round the clock. Our main activity is production and confection of natural and organic products.

The Company’s mission is to make healthy and balanced eating easy and most importantly very tasty.

We try to contribute to the creation of pro-healthy consumption habits.

 Products offered:

-          Lestello chickpea cakes 135g

-          Lestello lentil cakes 135g

-          Lestello quinoa cakes 130g

-          Lestello corn cakes 130g

-          Lestello organic rice cakes 110g

-          Lestello rice cakes with oregano 135g

-          Lestello buckwheat cakes 135g

-          Lestello dark chocolate chickpea cakes 34g

-          Lestello dark chocolate chickpea cakes with raspberry 36g

-          Lestello dark chocolate quinoa cakes with cherry 36g

-          Lestello corn bites with nigella seeds 65g


Company details: Lestello Sp. z o.o., Cmolas 475, 36-105 Cmolas, Poland


Company details: Lestello Sp. z o.o., Cmolas 475, 36-105 Cmolas, Poland

Zum Pressefach von Lestello Sp. z.o.o.

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