ISM: 02.–05.02.2025 #ISMCOLOGNE

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PANETTONE N°1 | Aussteller auf der ISM - die weltweit größte Messe für Süßwaren und Snacks



Talking about the Milanese-style Panettone, our Panettone N°1 is a true "Milestone" of Christmas Made in Italy, our unrivaled classic. Faithfulness to the Milanese recipe, long leavening, slow and natural, only sourdough, first choice ingredients, zest of Sicilian oranges, raisins, typical "cross" cut on the top to fully enjoy the authentic taste of tradition, enhanced by that distinctive touch typical of Rinaldini style.

In fact, in our Panettone N°1 there is a high percentage of Bourbon vanilla, a very precious spice. Its presence makes this great classic extraordinarily flavored and with a truly intense taste. Panettone N°1 is the perfect product for family consumption and for gifting.
Via Ausa 34/36
47853 CORIANO (RN)
Halle 4.2 | A021